Alison Johnson, a resident of Warwickshire, has dedicated 16 years to her career as a full-time artist, transitioning from a prior profession in nursing. Alison's art has consistently drawn inspiration from nature. While nature continues to play a pivotal role in her creations, her recent work has been driven by emotional responses to her observations, resulting in an evolution towards increasingly abstract pieces. Her art is often lauded for its atmospheric and potent qualities. Through a skillful use of color, shapes, and expressive mark-making, Alison delves into the realm of emotions that transcend the limitations of mere words.
Alison has undertaken numerous prestigious commissions worldwide, working with clients like the Prince of Saudi Arabia and the Waldorf Hotel in London. Her work consistently serves as a visionary force, moving clients to tears with its emotional impact.
"A t m o s p h e r i c o i l p a i n t i n g s t h a t
a r e v i b r a n t a n d s e d u c t i v e. A f o c a l p o i n t
f o r a n y s p a c e.''
Alison Johnson.